There are certain movie moments that have an enduring impact, resonating with film-watchers long after they’ve left the theater or turned off the DVD. Dance scenes in particular resonate well with movie fans. When executed well, these moments have the power to morph into iconic imagery, inspiring their fair share of parody and mocking. We may all be sick of Pulp Fiction dance knock-offs, but it’s a testament to the original that it’s spawned so many lesser imitators. Much, much lesser.

While some of these movies may predate some of us children of 90s’ birthdates by a year or two, their popularity was long-standing enough to make them a memorable part of our childhood. Whether you blame on VHS or incessant TV re-running, these movies are well-known to kids coming of age in the 90s. Plus, it would be pretty difficult to compile a list of favorite dance movie moments while completely overlooking the 80s; the easy cheesiness of 80s movies was a prime breeding ground for iconic dance scenes.

Just to be clear, there’s a fine line in defining these categories here at Children of the 90s. Avid readers (I’m probably flattering myself here) may remember a feature entitled “80s and 90s Spontaneous Group Dance Scenes Where Everyone Knows Exactly What to Do.” This blog has never been short on specificity. If we’re splitting hairs, we (okay, I) may as well set some ground rules for these entirely different set of dance scene movie moments:

1. They’re generally in character. Most of these moments don’t have us suspending our disbelief at completely uncharacteristic behavior from our principal actors. The moves might be over-the-top or silly, but these dances are reasonably within the parameters of the characters’ behavior and ability.

2. They may be prerehearsed. Unlike the She’s All That style prom dance phenomenon, the majority of these dances involve some sort of choregraphing backstory. In the case of the 80s movies, these rehearsals are best shown to us in the form of a training montage, culminating in the achievement of a tough move timed at the most climactic moment in the corresponding background music. If the moment does occur spontaneously, it’s realistically within the ability of our stars.

3. They usually involve relatively few dancers. Instead of large scale Fame-style scenes that could now be classified as formidable flash mobs, plain old “dance moments” are mostly sparsely populated affairs.

With those rules that I’ve just made up firmly in place, it’s time to meet our contenders for memorable 80s and 90s movie dance scenes:

(I’ve Had) the Time of my Life (Dirty Dancing)

something like 200 times, yet I never managed to master the dance at their DTV final on-air competition. This movie’s got the requisite 80s montage and tons of great dancing footage, not to mention some awesome costumes. If you ever see Helen Hunt’s lizard hat in a thrift shop somewhere, please pick it up for me. I promise to pay you back.

Doesn’t this all just make you want to have a life-affirming dance moment in your day? It seems like the perfect culminating event to wrap up your day’s story line. Imagine how much more interesting a day at the office would be if the climax of your workday was marked by a Baby and Johnny-style dramatic lift? That’s the world I’d like to someday live in. Someday.

About childrenofthenineties

Educating the masses about the awesomeness that was the 90s

15 responses »

  1. meraldia says:

    Scent of a woman, unforgettable scene!

  2. Shannon SVH says:

    I love Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! I think I've also seen it about 200 times.

  3. Love each & every one of these!! Espeically Dirty dancing & Risky Business!!!

  4. JennyMac says:

    Scent of a woman! LOVE that scene but you posted such a great group. Risky Business? Legendary.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It's not a lizard hat! It's a grasshopper!

  6. Oh, you're so right…it is a grasshopper. How did I forget that? My mental image was vague.

  7. SarahBeth says:

    I think I am the only person in the world who never saw Pulp Fiction. Dirty Dancing is one of my all-time faves though!

  8. Anonymous says:

    @SarahBeth I've never seen Pulp Fiction either. We can be losers together. 😉 That being said, I LOVE Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

  9. Ali says:

    I was SO hoping you'd mention the She's All That prom dance scene. One of THE best moments of all time, movies and otherwise, in my opinion.And don't even get me STARTED on Dirty Dancing. Obsessed to the max.

  10. Meghan says:

    My friends and I still recreate the Footloose scene at weddings:)

  11. Lil' Woman says:

    Dirty Dancing will forever hold a spot in my heart!! I don't understand how my mother let us watch it as children though.

  12. Mel says:

    Dirty Dancing's my absolute favorite! When it comes to dance scenes of the 90s though, I always think of She's All That when they all dance to Funk Soul Brother at the prom, haha!

  13. Kristie says:

    Great post! Girls Just Want to Have Fun is one of my favorites! I love that movie! Good times.

  14. dragonzflame says:

    Dirty Dancing…sigh. I haven't seen that for at least, oh, six weeks.What about True Lies? The tango scenes and Jamie Lee Curtis' impromptu pole dance on the bed (as the radio begins to play a conveniently upbeat song). That movie rules.

  15. Melanie says:

    "Dancing in Heaven" is definitely on one of my workout playlists.

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